SB11 Ghost Box | GhostHunter Store
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The P-SB11 Spirit Box is the latest Spirit Box device created by DAS. Results from paranormal enthusiasts, including its premier debut on a recent episode of Ghost Adventures proved to be encouraging. The P-SB11 features user selectable single and dual AM/FM Sweep capabilities, Adjustable Sweep Rates, Forward / Reverse Sweep, Dual Audio Outputs, Selectable AM/FM Antenna Attenuation, Built in high intensity LED Flashlight, Audio Mute while Sweeping, Adjustable volume, Visual & Audible Hot & Cold Spot Detection with selectable Sound. Future models of the P-SB11 can be further enhanced using DAS proprietary expansion modules for Natural Field Detection, SDD Shadow Detection, Vibration and other DAS modules.


  • Single or Dual Simultaneous Sweep
  • AM/FM Selectability
  • Adjustable Sweep Speeds - 50msec through 350msec in 50msec increments.
  • Forward and Reverse Sweep Directions
  • Adjustable Antenna Signal Attenuation
  • Ambient Temperature Deviation Detection (ATDD) Hot & Cold Spot Detection with Red / Blue LED Array
  • P-SB11 Dual Sweep Frequency ITC Research Device


Safety Instructions



Read the instructions - All of the safety and operational instructions should be read and followed before the P-SB11 is used.

Retain the instructions - It’s important to retain these safety and operating instructions for future reference.

Follow the instructions - All instructions and warnings pertaining to the P-SB11 should be adhered to.

Water and Moisture - To prevent water infiltration and corrosion the P-SB11 should not be used near water, or in the rain.

Excessive Heat - The P-SB11 should not be used in close proximity to heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other appliances that produce heat.

Power Source - The P-SB11 should be connected to a 9VDC alkaline battery or suitable 9VDC battery adapter.

Cleaning your P-SB11 - Wipe your P-SB11 using a damp soft cloth. Never spray or wet the case directly.

Telescopic Antenna - Keep the antenna away from all electrical sources. This includes receptacles, fuse and circuit breaker panels. Do not bend or twist the antenna. Always retract the antenna when not in use.

Battery - The P-SB11 battery should be removed when left unused for more than 4 weeks. A rechargeable 9V battery and separate charger can be used.

10. Damage Requiring Service - The P-SB11 should only be serviced by qualified service personnel. Contact: DAS Dist. Inc. at 1-888-344-0111 9-5pm (M-F) EST.



Set Up and Use Instructions

BATTERY - Remove the battery hatch cover and insert a 9VDC Alkaline Battery. Be sure to attach the +/- polarity correctly to ensure proper operation.

POWER - Slide the POWER OFF-ON switch to the ON position and CHN 1 & CHN 2 will default to the FM frequency.

FUNCTION - Use the FUNCTION button to select and toggle between CHN 1, CHN 2 single sweep, or CHN 1 & CHN 2 simultaneously dual sweep operation.

AM/FM SELECTION – Tap the AM-FM button to select AM or FM. Above the button is an LED indicator, FM is identified with a RED color and AM is identified with a BLUE color. You can perform a single sweep AM/FM individually or dual sweep FM/FM, AM/AM or AM/FM. Also note that the AM/FM LED light will blink at the same rate as the sweep rate selected.

VOLUME - Adjust CHN 1 & CHN 2 volume by pressing and holding the VOL + and VOL – buttons. The Volume can vary depending on P-SB11 setting variables. For example, if you have CH1 on FM and CHN 2 on AM, the volume on the AM may be softer. Thus, you may want to adjust the AM louder to create a more balanced sound in accordance to individual listening preferences. In addition, deactivating the AM or FM Antenna can greatly affect the reception volume, especially in the AM sweep mode.

SWEEP DIRECTION - Press and hold the sweep REV (Reverse) or FWD (Forward) momentary buttons for about two seconds to initiate the sweep. A RED LED will turn ON when the sweep is active. Tap the button to pause and resume the sweep.

SWEEP RATE - The FM sweep rate is adjustable in steps from 50 thru 300 milli-seconds (mS). The AM is adjustable from 50 thru 350 milli-seconds (mS). The FM sweep speed is identified using a RED positional LED. The AM LED array sweep speed is identified using a BLUE positional LED. If FM/FM or AM/AM dual sweep is selected for CHN 1 & CHN 2, two RED (FM) or BLUE (AM) LED’s will appear in the sweep SPEED LED array.

ANTENNA SWITCH – Depending on personal preferences, the AM/FM antenna switch located on the side of the P-SB11 can be used to connect or disconnect the AM coil and FM telescopic antenna from the P-SB11 circuit. The following combinations are possible:

AM/FM antenna active - ON (GREEN LED)

AM/FM antenna deactivated (RED LED)

FM deactivated, AM activated (RED LED)

AM deactivated, FM activated (RED LED)

Note: Reception of very strong channels can still occur. AM volume may be reduced.


TEMPERATURE - The P-SB11 has ambient temperature deviation detection (ATDD) built into it. To turn this ON, slide the switch located on the left side of the P-SB11 to “TEMP.” This circuit is designed specifically to detect +5 / -5 degree Hot& Cold spots using RED LED’s for (+) and BLUE LED’s for (-). There are five individual ascending tones for +5 degree, and five individual descending tones for a -5 degree change. The sound (tones) can be turned OFF using the following procedure:

+5 degree Sound OFF / -5 degree Sound ON - Press and hold the TEMP RESET button until all RED LED’s are illuminated, then quickly release the button while the LED’s are on.

+5 degree Sound ON / -5 degree Sound OFF - Press and hold the TEMP RESET button until all BLUE LED’s are illuminated, then quickly release the button while the LED’s are on.

+5 degree Sound OFF / -5 degree Sound OFF - Press and hold the TEMP RESET button until LED’s sequence all RED, all BLUE and then back to all RED and then quickly release the button while the LED’s are on.

Note: User can baseline at any time using the TEMP RESET button.

FLASHLIGHT - The P-SB11 uses a very bright RED LED with reflector cone for optimum illumination. To activate the flashlight, slide the LIGHT-OFF-TEMP switch to the LIGHT setting. P-SB11 power must be ON to use the flashlight. Use the MUTE button to silence the speakers at any time.

MUTE - A MUTE button is located on the right side of the P-SB11. Push to turn the speaker sound OFF, push again to turn the speaker sound back ON. This is ideal to instantly silence the P-SB11 without interfering with your settings.

AUDIO OUTPUTS – There are two independent mono audio outputs. One for CHN 1 and one for CHN 2.

SB11 Ghost Box

$139.90 Standardpreis
  • Usually Ships in 24 to 72 Hours

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